Highlighted publications
- Savary, S., and the Global Plant Health Assessment Project. 2023. A global assessment of the state of plant health. Plant Disease (First Look), https://doi.orLinkg/10.
- Mourtzinis, S., P. Mitchell, P. Esker, A. Cerrudo, S. Naeve, and S. Conley. 2023. Field-level yield benefits and risk effects of intensive soybean management across the US. Field Crops Research 301:109012. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378429023002058
- Duffeck, M.R., A.Y. Bandara, D.K. Weersooriya, A. Collins, P.J. Jensen, G.A. Kuldau, E. Del Ponte, and P.D. Esker. 2022. Fusarium head blight of small grains in Pennsylvania: Unravelling species diversity, toxin types, growth and triazole sensitivity. Phytopathology 112:794-802. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-02-21-0070-R.
- Bandara, A.Y., D.K. Weerasooriya, R.V. Trexler, T.H. Bell, and P.D. Esker. 2021. Soybean roots and soil from high- and low-yielding field sites are characterized by distinct microbial co-occurrence networks. Frontiers in Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.675352.
- Shah, D., T.R. Butts, S. Mourtzinis, J.I. Rattalino Edreira, P. Grassini, S.P. Conley, and P.D. Esker. 2021. A machine learning interpretation of the contribution of foliar fungicides to soybean yield in the north-central United States. Science Reports 11:18769. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-98230-2
- Mourtzinis, S., P.D. Esker, J.E. Specht, and S.P. Conley. 2021. Advancing agricultural research using machine learning algorithms. Scientific Reports 11:17879. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-97380-7
- Becker, P., P. Esker, G. Umaña. 2021. Incorporation of microorganisms to reduce chemical fungicide usage in Black sigatoka control programs in Costa Rica. Crop Protection. 146:105657.Bandara, A.Y., D.K. Weerasooriya, A. Murillo Williams, C. White, A.A. Collins, T.H. Bell, and P.D. Esker. 2020. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0261219421001277#:~:text=Black%20sigatoka%20disease%20incidence%20correlates%20with%20the%20amount%20of%20rainfall.&text=Application%20of%20Saccharomyces%20cerevisiae%20extract,reducing%20chemical%20fungicide%20by%2025%25.&text=Application%20of%20Bacillus%20subtilis%20maintained,reducing%20chemical%20fungicide%20by%2025%25.
- Relationship between soybean yield from high and low yielding field positions and selected soil characteristics across farms. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment, Pages 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20126.
- Bandara, A.Y., D.K. Weerasooriya, C.A. Bradley, T.W. Allen, and P. Esker. 2020. Dissecting the economic impact of soybean diseases in the United States over two decades. PLOS ONE 15(4):e0231141. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0231141.
- Hitaj, C., D.J. Smith, A. Code, S. Wechsler, P.D. Esker, and M.R. Douglas. 2020. Sowing uncertainty: What we do and don’t know about the planting of pesticide-treated seed. BioScience 70:390-403. https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/70/5/390/5805569
- Duffeck, M., K. Alves, F. Machado, P. Esker, and E. Del Ponte. 2020. Modeling of yield losses and risk analysis of fungicide profitability for managing Fusarium head blight in Brazilian spring wheat. Phytopathology 110:370-378. https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PHYTO-04-19-0122-R
- Mourtzinis, S., C.H. Krupke, P.D. Esker, and 20 other co-authors. 2019. Neonicotinoid seed treatments of soybean provide negligible benefits to US farmers. Scientific Reports, 9:11207. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-47442-8#:~:text=This%20analysis%20demonstrates%20that%20seed,was%20examined%20concurrently%20with%20FST.
- Savary, S., L. Willocquet, S.J. Pethybridge, P. Esker, N. McRoberts, and A. Nelson. 2019. Assessing the global burden of pathogens and pests on major food crops. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3:430-439. www.nature.com/articles/s41559-018-0793-y
- Esker, P.D., D. Shah, C. Bradley, S. Conley, P. Paul, and A. Robertson. 2018. Perceptions of Midwestern crop advisors and growers on foliar fungicide adoption and use in maize. Phytopathology 108:1078-1088. (Editors Pick for September 2018). apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PHYTO-10-17-0342-R
- Gent, D.H., P. Esker, and A. Kriss. 2018. Statistical power in plant pathology research. Phytopathology 108:15-22. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28876210/
Other resources
- Habashy, N., Miller-Foster, M., P. Esker, and D. Behring (eds). 2023. Everyone Needs to Eat: Introduction to Food Security and Global Agriculture. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License. psu.pb.unizin.org/internatag/